

so i've reading this book "being still" for my contemplative class, and its really good,
talks about walking with the Spirit, walking in prayer, principles of the kingdom.
but today,
it starting talking about becoming God,
i think it must have been the translator, (its book by a french monk)
sometimes he says like one with the Spirit but then he talks taking it maybe too far.
even though we have the Spirit we are still human and are still prone to sinfulness.
and then he said the following, and im making it the quote of the day
"the Christian is not better than anyone else, neither more intelligent, nor more loving. The difference is that he walks with Someone and stays in His Presence. It is this Presence, more than any personal effort that transforms."

Mom had surgery last night for foot. she shattered it,
6 weeks in a cast....
that sucks.

i got a nick--name from anna,
"The Groove"
i like it, she says it fits because i play "fat beats" in on our sets.

so i read the book of Colossians today, and i scratched out the headings that the publishers made. paul didnt write it.
it helps the letter sound like a real letter, to real people who were confused about doctrine.
i'm trying to read the epistles and not label everything as doctrine, but instead trying to discover what God was really saying to each church.

what can i say,
i love music,
i love playing drums,
i love playing piano,
i love guitar.

= - = - i saw You walking out as i was walkin' in,
i felt embarrassed to look at you, but you gave me a big grin,
serves me right
= - = -

i really need poetic language, i used to write really good stuff

when i feel the sun shine on my face somehow my soul just knows You love me and are pleased with me.
(its been grey lately, but not in a depressed way, more like a whisper)

last night i went to a prayer meeting with some students, and the Spirit came in a supernatural peace. we were liking soaking the Spirit.
i heard the Lord exhort us to persevere and ask for grace to do so. to not loose heart.
heather had a vision, it was a black dog chasing a cat. the black dog was discouragement and we were the cat, but there Jesus stood with a smile on his face and had his arms open to us, he wanted us to run into his arms.
=the Holy Spirit was encouraging us to to strive to enter into the rest the Spirit brings (james)
it was pretty cool


let me live here

in my hermaneutics class i feel like i'm sitting under a waterfall of the Spirit.
being washed by the word

i just want to live here, to have a daily touch from God through the Word.

I am putting this into practice, asking good questions and reading in context looking for the meaning of the text not just theology.

i recorded "be thou my vision" i played it in a Eb tuning with a pretty cool riff to serve as a chorus. i now have three under-developed songs of mine on my i pod, none the less they're there.
"Lord do not hide your commandments from me! Let me walk in the light as you are in the light, constantly being exposed, constantly being corrected, but in constant fellowship with the Spirit, which is my hearts one desire. "

i've given myself to communion with Jesus in a special way this year,
but my question is this
is Jesus in my heart or on the throne?
both i suppose.
but he is in a physical body, so is his Spirit in me? this is apparently true.
then what does Jesus' blood look like?
if i am washed by the blood what does that really mean?
is there anything at all physical that makes me clean?
i suppose the blood speaks louder than the blood of Abel,
i cling myself to that velvet ribbon, that saves me AND sanctifies me,
im not only forgiven but i can also walked changed.