
Hebrews 1 (not really assigned)(gbf)

God has always wanted to speak with man face to face on an intimate basis, like Adam in the Garden.
Sin alienated us from God. A gulf was formed between God’s holiness and the darkness of man’s sin.
God therefore made a plan. Through the shedding of blood as atonement, God could speak to His people once again.
Only His prophets did He speak to intimately for long periods of time (their entire lives).
Jesus was the last sacrifice. After Him never again would man need the blood of animals to have a relationship with God, Jesus paid it all!
Now God can speak to us all the time because Jesus paid the price for us.
The very one who created the heavens, formed the oceans, painted the flowers and clothed the lions with fur, humbled himself to be killed so that God could speak to mankind once again.
(my favorite part of the chapter)
Jesus is an exact replica of God.
Since Adams death man has asked “What is God really like?”
Now the answer is clear,
Jesus said, “Before Abraham was, I AM”
Jesus is God. He is one with the Father. Because we have seen Jesus we have seen the Father! (that what Jesus told Thomas). The best part is, even though I have never “seen” Jesus, he has given me the Holy Spirit as a revealer of who Jesus is. “It is better that I go so that the Spirit may come”
That was the Wisdom of God right there! Because Jesus left, he sent the Holy Spirit to his disciples to reveal himself to us. It is because of Jesus’ death and resurrection we have the Holy Spirit and God Himself!
I know what God is like because I have Jesus as a flawless reflection of the Father!


Reading John 8:1-11 and Luke 7:36-50

"Neither do i condemn you"
starting in the passage in John.

Jesus, before entering the temple went to his place of prayer at the Mount of Olives. Just before this passage he had told the people at the last day of a feast that he was the Living Water and anyone thirsty can drink.
He had showed his affection publically. he was telling the people how refreshing his love really was. he was also pertaining to the scriptures.

after his time in prayer he enters the temple. (it was early in the morning)
the people gather around him.
the lawyers (scribes) and religious leaders (Pharisees) brought to him an adulterous woman.
the did this to test him.
they hearts were dark. full of fear and hate.
Jesus begins to write on the ground.
......what did he write?
--------the secrets sins of the Pharisees? perhaps
--------the motives of the lawyers?perhaps.
i tend to think that he wrote down a list of sins and names of people who had commited them. people that were standing there, holding the rocks, ready for judgement.
mankind is quick to bloodshed and slow to mercy. we can serve a violent, angry god, but find in folly to bow to a kind loving God.
God is opposite in His nature.
its not that He forces Himself to be patient,
He is patient!
He doesnt force Himself to love and suffer long
He is Love!

so these men by nature were indignant and frustrated that Jesus was merciful.

"Let He who is without sin cast the first stone"
then he continues to write on the ground.
"in case you forget about your sin, let me remind you, i'll write it down"
and starting with the oldest, (for reasons i do not know) to the youngest the put down their stones and left the scene.
basically Jesus was saying that every man deserves the punishment they are so quick to carry out.
everyone deserved to be in her shoes. we all deserve death.
but let us see how Jesus treated her, and how he treats us.
but first...
what was the woman thinking?
how long had she been living under shame and condemnation?
was she frightend?
she knew that the law of the land would condemn her to death for this act.

the word says "Jesus stood up" and that the woman was standing before him.
he had bent down to write in the sand. he remained lower than she was until the accusers left.
wow, ponder on that for a year.

"where are they? where are the accusers?"
"has no one condemned you?
no she says
"neither do i condemn you."
man doesnt have the authority to condemn.
men may kill each other but only God can condemn someones soul.
so even Jesus who could condemn, because he is God, said i choose not to.
"now go and seek righteousness"
he knew he was the only righteous one. no one is perfect, only Jesus.
his last response to her was,
"seek me and know me, if you believe in me out of your heart will comes streams of living water!"