Dr. Lehker sat on the desk in front row and planted his feet on the seat
"so what do we do about religion?" he said
half the class leaned forward and rested their head on their hands.
this doesnt sound like the useless fish and frog jargon.
"we cannot dismiss religion. let me demonstrate.
if i am in my new BMW at the end of an alley at midnight and i see a small group of young men dressed rather 'loose', i am not going to depend on science as my judgement. i have this knot in my stomach. this uncomfortable feeling.
science cannot explain this" he says
so what's the answer?
"'so what's the answer?' you might be asking yourself"
he continues
"the evidence for evolution is overwhelming. evolution tells us where we came from. it cannot answer why we are here, or what is our purpose. that is where religion comes in."
but what about....
"evolution however tells us we came from a common ancestor, religion tells us God created us. so which is true?"
i here some people behind begin to talk about what they are doing tomorrow.
"to our minds, to our logic, we think one is true and one is false. we think black and white. yes or no. never both, never fully both. but i believe both are fully true."
every time i see a picture of some '500,000' year old skull i try to imagine what it really is. how old it actually is. maybe an extinct species. my mind cannot wrap around it.
i believe the bible fully. even if it seems to have contradictions, it has no contradictions. it is perfect, it tells us about God because he wrote it. maybe some dont like the way it's written, but who's going to change God?
but evolution is still there, floating around.
i dont know what to do with it.
and i have to study it every day for the final.\=(
I agree with you.
Whenever I see something in a book and people tell me that its this or that many millions of years old my mind says "Mmmmm, I wonder..."
Evolution could still be truth. The bible doesn't say when exactly Adam and Eve were created, just that they were created a long time before Moses ever existed... how long is that.. Idk.
I guess we'll never know all the answers.
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