and yesterday i sent off my transcript to Texas State in San Marcos
so i'm giving myself options
count 'em
2 options
i felt the sting of jet lag this morning.
my mind woke me up at 2:17AM
...nooooo.. (i grunted)
my voice was rather deep.
i have to crap...
i slide my body out of bed and onto the floor like i was body surfing my blanket.
on the floor now.
push up,
knees in,
head up,
stand up.
plenty to think about on the john.
i stumble downstairs, trying to convince my flesh that i'm actually tired and i'm itching to go back to bed.
but my flesh didnt by it.
"you're not tired you liar"
"o come on! give me a break you freckly flesh!"
"no sleeping!"
so heat up some milk.
i think that is supposed to help.
i eat a piece of swiss on wheat
and grade a composition paper.
i dont think i fell asleep until 6:15
7am -BEEP! BEEP!
today's gonna suck.
Joel Osteen - "Don't think that! speak life into your day! Today is going to be a great day!"

maybe if i heard someone else say it.
i feel like i've givin 90% of my life to Jesus
Mike said once "Living for Jesus with 99% obedience is the hardest thing to do. but once you give that 1% grace and peace kick in." i hate living in that tension. but i love my self so well.
take me Lord!
so while im lying in bed i do some thinking
if im going to UNT the best music school in the state, i should at least minor in music, it such a good opportunity.
i visioned myself on a cruise ship playing a grand piano every night as the overweight retiree's and sexy newly-weds had dinner in their fancy dresses and suits
a major in creative writing and a minor in music.
barista probably.
should i do what i love, give my ten percent and let God do the math
should i get a buisiness degree and earn money and pay for a father-in-law's trust.
1 comment:
"Find a job you love and you'll never work a day in your life." ~Confucius
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