
Hebrews 1 (not really assigned)(gbf)

God has always wanted to speak with man face to face on an intimate basis, like Adam in the Garden.
Sin alienated us from God. A gulf was formed between God’s holiness and the darkness of man’s sin.
God therefore made a plan. Through the shedding of blood as atonement, God could speak to His people once again.
Only His prophets did He speak to intimately for long periods of time (their entire lives).
Jesus was the last sacrifice. After Him never again would man need the blood of animals to have a relationship with God, Jesus paid it all!
Now God can speak to us all the time because Jesus paid the price for us.
The very one who created the heavens, formed the oceans, painted the flowers and clothed the lions with fur, humbled himself to be killed so that God could speak to mankind once again.
(my favorite part of the chapter)
Jesus is an exact replica of God.
Since Adams death man has asked “What is God really like?”
Now the answer is clear,
Jesus said, “Before Abraham was, I AM”
Jesus is God. He is one with the Father. Because we have seen Jesus we have seen the Father! (that what Jesus told Thomas). The best part is, even though I have never “seen” Jesus, he has given me the Holy Spirit as a revealer of who Jesus is. “It is better that I go so that the Spirit may come”
That was the Wisdom of God right there! Because Jesus left, he sent the Holy Spirit to his disciples to reveal himself to us. It is because of Jesus’ death and resurrection we have the Holy Spirit and God Himself!
I know what God is like because I have Jesus as a flawless reflection of the Father!

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