God has always wanted to speak with man face to face on an intimate basis, like Adam in the Garden.
Sin alienated us from God. A gulf was formed between God’s holiness and the darkness of man’s sin.
God therefore made a plan. Through the shedding of blood as atonement, God could speak to His people once again.
Only His prophets did He speak to intimately for long periods of time (their entire lives).
Jesus was the last sacrifice. After Him never again would man need the blood of animals to have a relationship with God, Jesus paid it all!
Now God can speak to us all the time because Jesus paid the price for us.
The very one who created the heavens, formed the oceans, painted the flowers and clothed the lions with fur, humbled himself to be killed so that God could speak to mankind once again.
(my favorite part of the chapter)
Jesus is an exact replica of God.
Since Adams death man has asked “What is God really like?”
Now the answer is clear,
Jesus said, “Before Abraham was, I AM”
Jesus is God. He is one with the Father. Because we have seen Jesus we have seen the Father! (that what Jesus told Thomas). The best part is, even though I have never “seen” Jesus, he has given me the Holy Spirit as a revealer of who Jesus is. “It is better that I go so that the Spirit may come”
That was the Wisdom of God right there! Because Jesus left, he sent the Holy Spirit to his disciples to reveal himself to us. It is because of Jesus’ death and resurrection we have the Holy Spirit and God Himself!
I know what God is like because I have Jesus as a flawless reflection of the Father!
Reading John 8:1-11 and Luke 7:36-50
"Neither do i condemn you"
starting in the passage in John.
Jesus, before entering the temple went to his place of prayer at the Mount of Olives. Just before this passage he had told the people at the last day of a feast that he was the Living Water and anyone thirsty can drink.
He had showed his affection publically. he was telling the people how refreshing his love really was. he was also pertaining to the scriptures.
after his time in prayer he enters the temple. (it was early in the morning)
the people gather around him.
the lawyers (scribes) and religious leaders (Pharisees) brought to him an adulterous woman.
the did this to test him.
they hearts were dark. full of fear and hate.
Jesus begins to write on the ground.
......what did he write?
--------the secrets sins of the Pharisees? perhaps
--------the motives of the lawyers?perhaps.
i tend to think that he wrote down a list of sins and names of people who had commited them. people that were standing there, holding the rocks, ready for judgement.
mankind is quick to bloodshed and slow to mercy. we can serve a violent, angry god, but find in folly to bow to a kind loving God.
God is opposite in His nature.
its not that He forces Himself to be patient,
He is patient!
He doesnt force Himself to love and suffer long
He is Love!
so these men by nature were indignant and frustrated that Jesus was merciful.
"Let He who is without sin cast the first stone"
then he continues to write on the ground.
"in case you forget about your sin, let me remind you, i'll write it down"
and starting with the oldest, (for reasons i do not know) to the youngest the put down their stones and left the scene.
basically Jesus was saying that every man deserves the punishment they are so quick to carry out.
everyone deserved to be in her shoes. we all deserve death.
but let us see how Jesus treated her, and how he treats us.
but first...
what was the woman thinking?
how long had she been living under shame and condemnation?
was she frightend?
she knew that the law of the land would condemn her to death for this act.
the word says "Jesus stood up" and that the woman was standing before him.
he had bent down to write in the sand. he remained lower than she was until the accusers left.
wow, ponder on that for a year.
"where are they? where are the accusers?"
"has no one condemned you?
no she says
"neither do i condemn you."
man doesnt have the authority to condemn.
men may kill each other but only God can condemn someones soul.
so even Jesus who could condemn, because he is God, said i choose not to.
"now go and seek righteousness"
he knew he was the only righteous one. no one is perfect, only Jesus.
his last response to her was,
"seek me and know me, if you believe in me out of your heart will comes streams of living water!"
starting in the passage in John.
Jesus, before entering the temple went to his place of prayer at the Mount of Olives. Just before this passage he had told the people at the last day of a feast that he was the Living Water and anyone thirsty can drink.
He had showed his affection publically. he was telling the people how refreshing his love really was. he was also pertaining to the scriptures.
after his time in prayer he enters the temple. (it was early in the morning)
the people gather around him.
the lawyers (scribes) and religious leaders (Pharisees) brought to him an adulterous woman.
the did this to test him.
they hearts were dark. full of fear and hate.
Jesus begins to write on the ground.
......what did he write?
--------the secrets sins of the Pharisees? perhaps
--------the motives of the lawyers?perhaps.
i tend to think that he wrote down a list of sins and names of people who had commited them. people that were standing there, holding the rocks, ready for judgement.
mankind is quick to bloodshed and slow to mercy. we can serve a violent, angry god, but find in folly to bow to a kind loving God.
God is opposite in His nature.
its not that He forces Himself to be patient,
He is patient!
He doesnt force Himself to love and suffer long
He is Love!
so these men by nature were indignant and frustrated that Jesus was merciful.
"Let He who is without sin cast the first stone"
then he continues to write on the ground.
"in case you forget about your sin, let me remind you, i'll write it down"
and starting with the oldest, (for reasons i do not know) to the youngest the put down their stones and left the scene.
basically Jesus was saying that every man deserves the punishment they are so quick to carry out.
everyone deserved to be in her shoes. we all deserve death.
but let us see how Jesus treated her, and how he treats us.
but first...
what was the woman thinking?
how long had she been living under shame and condemnation?
was she frightend?
she knew that the law of the land would condemn her to death for this act.
the word says "Jesus stood up" and that the woman was standing before him.
he had bent down to write in the sand. he remained lower than she was until the accusers left.
wow, ponder on that for a year.
"where are they? where are the accusers?"
"has no one condemned you?
no she says
"neither do i condemn you."
man doesnt have the authority to condemn.
men may kill each other but only God can condemn someones soul.
so even Jesus who could condemn, because he is God, said i choose not to.
"now go and seek righteousness"
he knew he was the only righteous one. no one is perfect, only Jesus.
his last response to her was,
"seek me and know me, if you believe in me out of your heart will comes streams of living water!"
Reading Luke2 (continued)
Jesus, is the Son of God but He is also the Son of Man
"and the child grew and became strong, filled with wisdom" =v.40
Jesus was a child once. i can relate to Him because he was a 19 year old too.
he was a kid once,
he was a teenager once,
his voice changed during his adolescence.
he was there.
what was it like to see Jesus growing up?
what was his favorite food to eat?
who was his best friend growing up?
was were his habbits like? what did he do for fun?
its incredible to think Jesus grew up human.
God didnt just become a man, He started as an infinant. He left the throne room where there serephim (burning with Holy fire) worshiped him day and night, and was born in a barn. and ate pita bread growing up.
thats nuts.
little Jesus as a 8 year old looking at the stars and delighting in his own creation.
what was it like for Mary? or Joseph? or Jesus' brothers?
i liked what Allen said about the gap between birth and 12 years of age the bible leaves out, "perhaps God skipped it just so we could use our imagination to dwell on christ' childhood" (obviously paraphrased)
what also really struck me in this chapter was Jesus' knowledge by age 12. at age 12 he was in the temple "sitting amoung the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions. And all who heard him were amazed at his understanding and his answers" =46b-47
i picture Jesus asking a Rabbi questions about the law or the prophets and the Rabbi giving his interpretation of it (his yoke), and in response Jesus would expound what he thought and it would transform the Rabbi's understanding of the passage of scripture. Jesus i think was probably taken by surprise on how deeply he knew the word. after all he wrote it. and according to John he is the Word. =this is a side note but it is so special i feel compelled to share it, i heard alex meyers speaking of Jesus being the Word (john 1) and what that meant and it really broadened my understanding of that characteric of him. a word (or speech) is an expression of ones emotions, of ones heart. the bible says whatever is in your heart will come out of your mouth, using words (duh). so Jesus is the Word. he is the expression of God's character and emotions in a human form. but the Word was with God before he came to earth, so he is God's character, emotions and attributes spoken from God's mouth. Jesus and the Father love one another so deeply because the share the same union. Jesus and the Father are one. and Jesus is the Word=
anyways sorry to take that bunny trail.
think about what a blessing this was to the teachers that heard him.
God was so loving towards them.
they heard the interpretation of the scriptures from God himself, what an honor! the Father must have been filled with gladness when he saw the teachers reaction, he loves to express himself and his heart.
and in that 3 day period of time, those Rabbis got to hear God's interpretation of God's word, by the Word himself!
what a blessing!
"and the child grew and became strong, filled with wisdom" =v.40
Jesus was a child once. i can relate to Him because he was a 19 year old too.
he was a kid once,
he was a teenager once,
his voice changed during his adolescence.
he was there.
what was it like to see Jesus growing up?
what was his favorite food to eat?
who was his best friend growing up?
was were his habbits like? what did he do for fun?
its incredible to think Jesus grew up human.
God didnt just become a man, He started as an infinant. He left the throne room where there serephim (burning with Holy fire) worshiped him day and night, and was born in a barn. and ate pita bread growing up.
thats nuts.
little Jesus as a 8 year old looking at the stars and delighting in his own creation.
what was it like for Mary? or Joseph? or Jesus' brothers?
i liked what Allen said about the gap between birth and 12 years of age the bible leaves out, "perhaps God skipped it just so we could use our imagination to dwell on christ' childhood" (obviously paraphrased)
what also really struck me in this chapter was Jesus' knowledge by age 12. at age 12 he was in the temple "sitting amoung the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions. And all who heard him were amazed at his understanding and his answers" =46b-47
i picture Jesus asking a Rabbi questions about the law or the prophets and the Rabbi giving his interpretation of it (his yoke), and in response Jesus would expound what he thought and it would transform the Rabbi's understanding of the passage of scripture. Jesus i think was probably taken by surprise on how deeply he knew the word. after all he wrote it. and according to John he is the Word. =this is a side note but it is so special i feel compelled to share it, i heard alex meyers speaking of Jesus being the Word (john 1) and what that meant and it really broadened my understanding of that characteric of him. a word (or speech) is an expression of ones emotions, of ones heart. the bible says whatever is in your heart will come out of your mouth, using words (duh). so Jesus is the Word. he is the expression of God's character and emotions in a human form. but the Word was with God before he came to earth, so he is God's character, emotions and attributes spoken from God's mouth. Jesus and the Father love one another so deeply because the share the same union. Jesus and the Father are one. and Jesus is the Word=
anyways sorry to take that bunny trail.
think about what a blessing this was to the teachers that heard him.
God was so loving towards them.
they heard the interpretation of the scriptures from God himself, what an honor! the Father must have been filled with gladness when he saw the teachers reaction, he loves to express himself and his heart.
and in that 3 day period of time, those Rabbis got to hear God's interpretation of God's word, by the Word himself!
what a blessing!
Reading Luke2
the birth of Jesus.
the angels appeared to the shepherds
the angels are clothed with the glory of God. their clothes are white an untainted white. brighter than the sun.
"the news we are here to deliver is of TREMENDOUS joy!"
as the announcer angel delivered his message, the host of his compadres bursted out in a song
"Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace amoung those with whom He is well pleased!"
i picture God smiling and dancing the moment Jesus was born.
=it pleased the Father to crush the son=
the angels reflected God's delight and God was so excited and glad that when the angels saw it they broke out it praise.
why was the Father so happy?
so He could get glory from earth folk?
not really, He has angels worshiping Him day and night,
then why?
so He could say He went the extra mile and did a good deed?
of course not.
he was so excited when Jesus was born because finally man would be able to be intimate with Him, forever!
"At last!" he might've said
"I can finally be intimatly united with my creation!"
"finally i will be able pour my heart out to them!"
"now william will be able to know me like Adam knew me"
to walk in the cool of the day with God.
thats why it pleased the Father to crush his son, because he saw us giving our affections to him in the future.
do we really know God?
i mean do we really know Him?
no, we havent even started to discover who he REALLY is.
but thats our greatest prize, as paul said, to recieve Christ.
the angels appeared to the shepherds
the angels are clothed with the glory of God. their clothes are white an untainted white. brighter than the sun.
"the news we are here to deliver is of TREMENDOUS joy!"
as the announcer angel delivered his message, the host of his compadres bursted out in a song
"Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace amoung those with whom He is well pleased!"
i picture God smiling and dancing the moment Jesus was born.
=it pleased the Father to crush the son=
the angels reflected God's delight and God was so excited and glad that when the angels saw it they broke out it praise.
why was the Father so happy?
so He could get glory from earth folk?
not really, He has angels worshiping Him day and night,
then why?
so He could say He went the extra mile and did a good deed?
of course not.
he was so excited when Jesus was born because finally man would be able to be intimate with Him, forever!
"At last!" he might've said
"I can finally be intimatly united with my creation!"
"finally i will be able pour my heart out to them!"
"now william will be able to know me like Adam knew me"
to walk in the cool of the day with God.
thats why it pleased the Father to crush his son, because he saw us giving our affections to him in the future.
do we really know God?
i mean do we really know Him?
no, we havent even started to discover who he REALLY is.
but thats our greatest prize, as paul said, to recieve Christ.
Reading from Luke 1 (continued)
"and he will be filled with the Holy Spirit, even from his mothers womb."
God is eternal. His glory endures forever. His love never stops- ps.107:1, it cannot be measure.
God is infinite. no one can put a boundary on God. He fills heaven with His prescence.
But somehow, with His limitless eternal wisdom, (God is really smart, in fact He invented "smart") He places Himself in an unborn child.
What if God did this today?
What if He places His spirit in unborn children?
John was a forerunner, a carrier of the news of Christs coming.
Isnt Christ coming back again?
so wont there be more "John the Baptist"?
so if God is placing His Holy Spirit (who is part of the Trinity of who God is, He is as much God as the Father and the Son are God) in babies even today what how would the enemy attack these new testement "nazarites" from even exiting the womb of the mother?
hmmmmmmmmmmm......................abortion perhaps?
Satan knows God is raising a people who will call Jesus in union with the Spirit to return to this earth.
when Jesus returns, the Serpants head will be crushed (Gen. 3).
Abortion is his attack on this people (this generation of people) to reduce the number of John the Baptist who will preach the love and beauty of Jesus Christ.
God is smart.
He knows what He is doing.
If we, the people of God, are begging for Justice, Justice will be given.
"For the hand of the Lord was with him [John]"
"and the child grew and became strong in spirit, and he was in the wilderness until the day of his public appearance to Isreal"
John, Paul, Jesus, Moses, David.
All these men went through a time of "wilderness" to prepare for there ministry.
Paul was in a desert for 3 years by himself. meditation and being taught the Gospel by Jesus himself. Moses lived as a shepard for half his life.
David was a shepard growing up.
God uses the 'wilderness' to prepare us and develop us into the shoes He Himself has made for us to where for this life,
God is eternal. His glory endures forever. His love never stops- ps.107:1, it cannot be measure.
God is infinite. no one can put a boundary on God. He fills heaven with His prescence.
But somehow, with His limitless eternal wisdom, (God is really smart, in fact He invented "smart") He places Himself in an unborn child.
What if God did this today?
What if He places His spirit in unborn children?
John was a forerunner, a carrier of the news of Christs coming.
Isnt Christ coming back again?
so wont there be more "John the Baptist"?
so if God is placing His Holy Spirit (who is part of the Trinity of who God is, He is as much God as the Father and the Son are God) in babies even today what how would the enemy attack these new testement "nazarites" from even exiting the womb of the mother?
hmmmmmmmmmmm......................abortion perhaps?
Satan knows God is raising a people who will call Jesus in union with the Spirit to return to this earth.
when Jesus returns, the Serpants head will be crushed (Gen. 3).
Abortion is his attack on this people (this generation of people) to reduce the number of John the Baptist who will preach the love and beauty of Jesus Christ.
God is smart.
He knows what He is doing.
If we, the people of God, are begging for Justice, Justice will be given.
"For the hand of the Lord was with him [John]"
"and the child grew and became strong in spirit, and he was in the wilderness until the day of his public appearance to Isreal"
John, Paul, Jesus, Moses, David.
All these men went through a time of "wilderness" to prepare for there ministry.
Paul was in a desert for 3 years by himself. meditation and being taught the Gospel by Jesus himself. Moses lived as a shepard for half his life.
David was a shepard growing up.
God uses the 'wilderness' to prepare us and develop us into the shoes He Himself has made for us to where for this life,
Reading Luke 1 Sept. 10-16
"He who is mighty has done great things for me" - Mary.
God loves to give to His people. "His mercy is for those who fear Him" God loves giving mercy to those who tremble. He wants us to be fascinated and blown away by His affection.
The heavens tell of the Glory of God.
God's character can be seen in the stars, His mercy is infinite in all directions. No one can measure the extent of His mercy (His ability to forgive every detestful act man commits). no one can measure the GLADNESS He has in giving that mercy.
"He has brought down the mighty from their thrones, and risen those of humble estate"
God enjoys humbleing the proud and lifting up the humble.
He enjoys it because it causes man to want to trust in someone bigger than himself.
it provokes man to seek, or at least question God.
God loves attracting attention to Himself. His plan is not to ruin peoples lives, but instead to save them by intervening and changing their unimportant status (thrones, humble estate) to offer salvation to their souls.
if a man lifes a perfect life, not realizing his need for God, then he is accursed.
God intervenes and makes our lives imperfect (in a physical reality) so we would understand His awesome power and transendant love and mercy.
How amazing is that?!
he will humble the proud, and raise up the humble just to demonstrate the futillity of earthly crowns.
"He has helped Israel His servant, in memory of His mercy"
God is mindful of His people at all times. is so so so big, he can make the world flow the way he wants and feed all the fish in the sea, and yet His people are always on His mind. in fact we are the center of His thoughts. "He knows the days of the blameless, the righteous are upheld by Him" (ps 37) humanity cannot understand how God can do this, but if we did, i assume our brains would explode inside our skull and we would collapse and die. But he never stops thinking about us. he plans our future so we would run to Him again and again because he is a jealous God. when he makes a covenant with someone, or a nation (israel) he never forgets it. so, "in memory of His mercy, He sent help to His people the isreaeitles."
God loves to give to His people. "His mercy is for those who fear Him" God loves giving mercy to those who tremble. He wants us to be fascinated and blown away by His affection.
The heavens tell of the Glory of God.
God's character can be seen in the stars, His mercy is infinite in all directions. No one can measure the extent of His mercy (His ability to forgive every detestful act man commits). no one can measure the GLADNESS He has in giving that mercy.
"He has brought down the mighty from their thrones, and risen those of humble estate"
God enjoys humbleing the proud and lifting up the humble.
He enjoys it because it causes man to want to trust in someone bigger than himself.
it provokes man to seek, or at least question God.
God loves attracting attention to Himself. His plan is not to ruin peoples lives, but instead to save them by intervening and changing their unimportant status (thrones, humble estate) to offer salvation to their souls.
if a man lifes a perfect life, not realizing his need for God, then he is accursed.
God intervenes and makes our lives imperfect (in a physical reality) so we would understand His awesome power and transendant love and mercy.
How amazing is that?!
he will humble the proud, and raise up the humble just to demonstrate the futillity of earthly crowns.
"He has helped Israel His servant, in memory of His mercy"
God is mindful of His people at all times. is so so so big, he can make the world flow the way he wants and feed all the fish in the sea, and yet His people are always on His mind. in fact we are the center of His thoughts. "He knows the days of the blameless, the righteous are upheld by Him" (ps 37) humanity cannot understand how God can do this, but if we did, i assume our brains would explode inside our skull and we would collapse and die. But he never stops thinking about us. he plans our future so we would run to Him again and again because he is a jealous God. when he makes a covenant with someone, or a nation (israel) he never forgets it. so, "in memory of His mercy, He sent help to His people the isreaeitles."
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