
Reading from Luke 1 (continued)

"and he will be filled with the Holy Spirit, even from his mothers womb."
God is eternal. His glory endures forever. His love never stops- ps.107:1, it cannot be measure.
God is infinite. no one can put a boundary on God. He fills heaven with His prescence.
But somehow, with His limitless eternal wisdom, (God is really smart, in fact He invented "smart") He places Himself in an unborn child.
What if God did this today?
What if He places His spirit in unborn children?
John was a forerunner, a carrier of the news of Christs coming.
Isnt Christ coming back again?
so wont there be more "John the Baptist"?
so if God is placing His Holy Spirit (who is part of the Trinity of who God is, He is as much God as the Father and the Son are God) in babies even today what how would the enemy attack these new testement "nazarites" from even exiting the womb of the mother?
hmmmmmmmmmmm......................abortion perhaps?
Satan knows God is raising a people who will call Jesus in union with the Spirit to return to this earth.
when Jesus returns, the Serpants head will be crushed (Gen. 3).
Abortion is his attack on this people (this generation of people) to reduce the number of John the Baptist who will preach the love and beauty of Jesus Christ.
God is smart.
He knows what He is doing.
If we, the people of God, are begging for Justice, Justice will be given.
"For the hand of the Lord was with him [John]"
"and the child grew and became strong in spirit, and he was in the wilderness until the day of his public appearance to Isreal"
John, Paul, Jesus, Moses, David.
All these men went through a time of "wilderness" to prepare for there ministry.
Paul was in a desert for 3 years by himself. meditation and being taught the Gospel by Jesus himself. Moses lived as a shepard for half his life.
David was a shepard growing up.
God uses the 'wilderness' to prepare us and develop us into the shoes He Himself has made for us to where for this life,

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